
Student Feedback Form

1. How much of the syllabus for all the papers/ courses was covered in the class?





  < 30%

2. How fair has been the internal evaluation process conducted by the teachers?

  Always Fair

  Usually Fair

  Sometimes Unfair

  Usually Unfair


3. What is your comment on the statement: "The institute/ teachers encourage(s) you to participate in extra-curricular activities"?

  Strongly Agree




  Strongly Disagree

4. What is your comment on the statement: "The overall quality of teaching-learning process in my institute is very good"?

  Strongly Agree




  Strongly Disagree

5. How would you rank your institution in terms of facilities/ infrastructure available for extra-curricular activities?

6. How do you rate the responsiveness to your issues by the office of the Principal?

7. How do you rate the politeness and support from the non-teaching staff?

8. How do you rate the cleanliness of classroom, lavatory, library and corridors?

9. How do you rate the provision of drinking water and toilet?


  Very Good




10. How do you rate the availability of the proper sitting arrangements in the campus during recess hours?


  Very Good




11. How do you rate the refreshment and recreational facilities in the college?

12. Your observations/ suggestions to improve the overall teaching-learning experience in your institution.