Gauhati University Youth Festival South West Zone 2023-24


Examination Rules (General) :

The authority strictly adheres to the College Examination and Promotion rules. There will be a unit test examination for HS 1st and 2nd year students and in addition, a test examination for HS 2nd year students. There will be a sessional examination for the degree courses on the dates prescribed in the prospectus of the college. Based on this, students will be allowed to fill up the forms of final examinations held by AHSEC / Gauhati University. Students unable to appear in a test on medical grounds must submit application along with medical certificates prior to the test. Under no circumstances, medical certificates will be entertained in more than one test.

Examination Rules and Evaluation of TDC under Semester System :

1)  In case of any dispute regarding evaluation or unforeseen events, the matter maybe placed in the Committee of Courses and Studies (U.G.) for amicable settlement. Since the semesters involve continuous assessment, there shall be no scope for a student to appear as a system, the existing University Rules and the Gauhati University Act 1949 (as amended till date) shall be applicable.
2)  The rules of examination and evaluation of degree students are as per the examinationand evaluation rules of Gauhati University, which is available at the official website of Gauhati University and B.B.K. College.
3)  All Final Examinations will be held as per AHSEC and Gauhati University routine.